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Victory Missions/Alliance has been involved with outreach to over 25 nations
stretching from the U.S.A. to Africa to Latin America. Presently, our main focus
is Peru, Colombia, Cuba, Italy, Sierra Leone, and the U.S.
Our outreach plans for the very near future include: Mexico and Equatorial
Stretching from the mountainous Andes region to the tropical Amazon jungles, the nation of Peru is diverse culturally, economically, socially, and spiritually. For over 2 decades Victory Missions has labored throughout Peru reaching more than 300,000 people through its outreaches into the university campuses, public schools, sports teams, military/police bases, Peruvian Congress & Supreme Court, and even remote rural villages throughout the Amazons/Andes.
Planting new churches, and reaching the youth/young professionals who will be the future leaders of the nation continues to be our main focus. Victory Missions has had a much welcomed impact on this nation since the time of the Shining Path Terrorist organization. This is reflected in a letter presented to the ministry by the former Presidential 1st Lady giving Victory Missions the legal right (at will) to conduct school assemblies and speak in any classroom throughout the nation.

Known as the drug capital of the world, Colombia is slowly changing through the ongoing impact of the gospel of Jesus Christ! Over the years Victory Missions has had the privilege to help launch numerous new churches, train hundreds of leaders, and bring its outreach programs to the National Military/Police Academy, Colombian Olympic teams, City-Wide Business Leaders groups, and La Salle University (the Harvard of Latin America) to name a few places.
Our present focus of ministry is in the cities of Bogota and Ibague, with future plans to expand to neighboring cities and communities.
The Cuban revolution in 1960 ushered in a drastic change to the social and economical climate of the nation. With these changes also came a spiritual hunger (especially over this last decade) unprecedented anywhere throughout the Western Hemisphere. Church buildings are packed each and every week with standing room only crowds to hear the good news and hope found in Jesus! From the thousands of “house outreach meetings” throughout Cuba, to the growing number of teens & young adults giving their lives to the leadership of the Lord Jesus, this nation truly is experiencing a genuine “spiritual awakening”.
Victory Missions/Alliance has helped train thousands of pastors and Christian leaders for the past 25 years to become “missionaries” and church planters in their own nation. Also, through generous donations and financial support, VM has been able to provide much needed assistance throughout the nation.

Once the cradle of Christendom and the expansion of Christianity throughout the known world, Italy’s many millennials now consider themselves atheists or agnostics. Much of this is due in part to the dead traditionalism experienced in ritualistic religious practices entrenched into the cultural and political fabric of the nation for many generations. What’s even more concerning is how Islam is advancing at an alarming rate in Italy.
Is. 58:12 says:
“And your ancient ruins shall be rebuilt; you shall raise up the foundations of many generations; you shall be called the repairer of the breach, the restorer of streets to dwell in.”
We in Victory Alliance believe that the Lord wants the nation of Italy to experience this reality! We are believing this year to begin a major thrust into the 2nd oldest university in the world located in Parma, Italy. Also, our missions ministry has open doors to initiate ministry in the very city in Sicily where the U.S. mafia was given birth. What an opportunity to bring the life-changing true gospel to this beautiful, historic-rich land!

Sierra Leone
Eleven long years of the “Blood-Diamond” civil war brought this predominantly Muslim nation to its knees- thousands of innocent people butchered, villages decimated, boy soldiers enslaved, and the national infrastructure destroyed. Previously considered the poorest country of the world by the United Nations, Sierra Leone has suffered unimaginable atrocities for decades. Victory Missions began its missions outreach in this West African nation only 1-month after the cease-fire in 2002. The impact was immediate as the ministry visited Sierra Leone, began to train leaders, and send in shipping containers full of medical equipment, school supplies, farm machinery/vegetable seed, trucks, clothes, etc.
After a 2 hour private meeting with the Vice-President and Presidential cabinet of the nation, our ministry was given official permission to minister and build the 1st radio station in the interior of the nation that reaches with Christian music and teachings remote Muslim villages throughout the country.
Victory Missions partners with the Sierra Leone national ministry, New Harvest Global. NHG continues to plant more than 8,000 churches throughout West Africa (in 13 nations) over the years and is presently birthing 90 new church groups per month.
One of our main focuses in the U.S.A. is to reach public high school and university students for Christ. Whether it’s a major school assembly on an inner-city campus, or one of hundreds of sports teams Victory Missions has impacted over the years, we are committed to the truth that “if you change the campus, you can change the world”. This is especially true when you consider that nations around the world send the top 1% of their youth to America to study. Many of these countries are closed to Western missionaries. What an opportunity to reach these future world leaders with the life-changing gospel. It’s no surprise that Billy Graham once said that the U.S. colleges & universities are one of the greatest mission fields in the world today.

Equatorial Guinea
Equatorial Guinea is a small country on the west coast of Africa which struck oil in 1995 and which is now being cited as a textbook case of the resource curse – or the paradox of plenty.
Since the mid 1990s the former Spanish colony has become one of sub-Sahara’s biggest oil producers but a large proportion of the population still lives in poverty.
Most Equatorial Guineans remain in crushing poverty, with little or no access to decent healthcare or education.
For Victory Missions/Alliance this is a “marching order” call to reach the only nation in all of Africa that speaks Spanish as its primary language! With our partnership with New Harvest Global Ministry in Sierra Leone, together we are preparing to launch outreach very soon into Equatorial Guinea